— How to Find Image Sources Via Telegram Bot. Maybe you’ve been curious about the source of the image someone sent or you met on social media. On Google there is a search by image feature […] — How to Install Speedtest CLI & GUI on Windows. You can check your internet speed using speedtest. On Windows, you can test network speed directly in the Speedtest application. The results of the download and upload speed testing […] — How to Install Windows without USB Drive or DVD. In general, you need a Flashdrive or CD-DVD to make a bootable Windows installation. But you know, Windows installation can also be done without using these 2 things. To find out how, […] — How to Activate Windows 11/10 For Free Permanently (2022). Actually windows is free, it’s just that there are various features that you can use just by activating windows. But don’t worry, in this tutorial we will provide […] — How To Bypass TPM For Windows 11 Installation With Rufus. TPM and Secure Boot are mandatory requirements for us to install Windows 11. But if you still want to install Windows 11 without TPM and Secure boot, you can. By […] — How to Screenshot Netflix on Windows and Android. Have you tried screenshots on Netlifx? Maybe to save interesting pictures, or there are interesting words from movies you see on Netflix. However, Netflix itself does not allow users to […] — How to Upscale Image Without Losing Quality. For those of you who like to download images from Facebook, Google or other social media, you may sometimes experience one problem, namely the image size is sometimes too […]