How to Get a Free Phone Number from SafeUM

Posted on — How to Get a Free Phone Number from SafeUMSafeUM is a chat application that has full protection and anonymity for its users. Besides being able to be used for chatting you will get a phone number when you finish creating an account on SafeUM, and the phone number is free.

You can use this phone number to receive SMS or calls. The country codes of the numbers given are the Ukrainian and Latvian number codes. You can use this number to register on social media platforms or applications that require a phone number.

For how to register and get a free phone number, you can see the tutorial below.

Registering a SafeUM Account

Registering an account at SafeUM is fairly easy, no email is required to register.

First, please download the SafeUM application using the following link:

Once installed, please open the application. Then select the Sign-Up menu.

Next, enter the Username (column 1) and Password (columns 2 and 3). And then click Submit.

Finally, please click begin to use.

If you get an error while registering, it’s purely a server error. Please click Please Try Again.

If it still doesn’t work, please repeat the steps above until it works and make sure your username is different from before. Good luck.

Get a Free Phone Number from SafeUM

After registering, you can immediately check the phone number that you got on SafeUM.

The method is quite easy, please click the Settings menu in SafeUM.

Then a phone number will appear that you can use.

You need to remember, that this phone number may suddenly be inaccessible because it has a short active period. Make sure you don’t use the phone number for an IMPORTANT account. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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