— How to Create Video Stickers on Telegram. Telegram recently did an update and brought some new features. One of them is that we can create and add a video sticker to the Telegram application. To find […] — How to Claim $5 USD from PayPal. PayPal is a banking service that provides easy and secure access to paying for something on the website. PayPal sometimes gives users $5 of free money. Surely everyone will be interested […] — How to Get a Free 1TB OneDrive Account. OneDrive is a cloud service similar to OneDrive and Dropbox that you can use for free. However, the storage provided is very small if you use […] — How to Know the Font Type on a Website. For those of you who like design or just like the look of certain websites, knowing the type of font a site uses and their […] — How to Turn Off Camera in Google Chrome. On websites that provide services that require camera/webcam access to make video calls, usually the website will ask for permission to be able to access the user’s […] — How to Use Subconverter SSHKit For Surfboard. Surfboard is an inject application similar to the clash application. In the previous tutorial we discussed How to Use Subconverter SSHKit For Clash, now in this tutorial we will […] — How to Change Home Address on Google Maps. Google Maps lets you set your home (and work) address so you can quickly find directions to and from your home. But when you move house or office, you […] — How to Deploy Vscode Online on Heroku. Vscode or Visual Studio Code is a source code editing software made by Microsoft that can be used on various operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac […] — How to Fix ERR_PROXY_CONONECTION_FAILED in Chrome. You can make your privacy protected when browsing the internet using a VPN or Proxy. By using this, your real IP will be protected so that when you access […] — How to Restore a Deleted Google Account . “If you delete your Google Account, you may be able to recover it. If the account has been deleted for a long time, you may not be able to recover […]