How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Posted on — How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11. As we know, generally when we create a new folder in the Windows operating system, the folder will automatically be named “ New Folder” . We can change it directly to the name we want, but if you want to create a new folder that is automatically named as you want, follow the short steps below.

Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Step 1: First, open the Registry Editor in your Windows 11.

Step 2: Then, please enter the following Registry Key :


Step 3: Next, in the explorer directory, please create a new key, right-click Explorer > New > Key.

How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Then enter the key name with NamingTemplates.

Step 4: Then, click on the NamingTemplates then create a new String Value . How to right click on the right panel> New> String Value.

Then name it RenameNameTemplate .

Step 5: Finally, please double click on RenameNameTemplate  and change the value data to the name of the folder that will replace “New Folder”. Example here ” My Folder” .

How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11


Then click OK to save changes.

To do the test, please create a new folder as usual, then you will find “New Folder” changed to “My Folder” according to what you set earlier.

How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Optional: Batch Registry to Rename the Default Folder “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

If you are having trouble following these steps, you can download the registry batch below:

After that right click  the file > Edit .

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How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Then change ” My Folder” to the file name you want. And then Save .

How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11

Finally, double-click the file and click Yes. After that do the test like the previous step.

How to Change the Default Folder Name “New Folder” in Windows 10/11


That’s it for this short tutorial, now the new folder name will automatically change. Good luck and hopefully useful!.

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